
Dear Educators:


On July 13, 2021, Governor Ron DeSantis announced $106 million to establish the Civic Literacy Excellence Initiative. A portion of those funds are designated for professional learning to support the implementation of Florida’s revised civics and government standards in Florida’s K-12 public schools. “The Civic Literacy Excellence Initiative is an all-in approach to fully elevate civic literacy and education for Florida’s students and teachers, beyond any state in the nation,” said Commissioner of Education Richard Corcoran. “Florida’s continued commitment to lead and foster the values we hope to see in our society will not only help develop great students, but will create humble, civically-minded citizens of tomorrow.

Our Vision


“Florida’s continued commitment to lead and foster the values we hope to see in our society will not only help develop great students, but will create humble, civically-minded citizens of tomorrow.”

Get Paid to Attend.

Civics Literacy

The Florida Department of Education will be hosting civics training sessions this summer.

As part of the Civics Literacy Excellence Initiative, the Florida Department of Education will be hosting civics training sessions this summer for Florida educators throughout the state of Florida. All events will be aligned to the revised civics and government standards and the four priorities of Florida civics and government education.

Priorities for Civics and Government in Florida’s K-12 Schools:

  • Students study primary source documents to understand the philosophical underpinnings of the American Republic and the root foundation of American exceptionalism.
  • Students compare the success of the United States and the success or failure of other nations’ governing philosophies to evaluate their past, present, and likely future effects.
  • Students have a sense of civic pride and participate regularly in all levels of government.
  • Students reflect upon United States civic history so they understand their rights and responsibilities as citizens, including the process of advocating properly with government officials.

In exchange for your time and commitment to attend one of these sessions, you will be given a stipend, mailed to your home address at the conclusion of closing session. The dates and venue information for these opportunities are listed on the following pages, and we have limited availability at each location, so I encourage you to take the time right now to sign up for your preferred spot.


John Duebel
Director of Social Studies and The Arts
Bureau of Standards and Instructional Support



Student Success is our STANDARD
Florida Department of Education
325 W. Gaines Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400

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There is limited capacity for all events. Enter your information below to be notified when 2023 registration opens to reserve your seat.

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